Discover 16% greater returns on your real estate investments

ALRAUM offers high-performing adaptable buildings for real estate financiers that want higher returns of investments.

Customers are willing to pay a 16% premium

According to PwC, customers will pay up to a 16% premium for a product that provides them quick exceptional value, with minimal stress. How do you provide that value in real estate? How can you get premium payments and greater returns?

Traditional real estate cannot offer perfect value nor premium returns

Adapting traditional property to provide perfect value means you need to renovate. Renovations are difficult to plan, lengthy, expensive and require scarce labour.

For investors that do want premium returns, there is ALRAUM

ALRAUM designs, builds and manages high performing buildings. Through our technology, our buildings can effortlessly adapt to the perfect value for every user – giving you your premium returns.

Let's get you your 16% greater returns

We develop

We will begin by developing an optimal exploitation plan for a certain location. With your approval, we will design a building based on our adaptable building technology .

We build

Because of our technology, we build precisely and quickly, so that you are sure you get the highest quality building on the market that can adapt to everything the world throws at it.

We manage

We manage the building. We scan the reliability of tenants, maintain, prevent vacancy and make sure every user has the most optimal value, so that you have your most optimal returns.

Perfect Value, Optimal Returns

Offer perfect value to users. Value ranges from high productivity in offices, health, comfort and aesthetics in residential units, recovery promotion in medical institutions and an optimal learning environment in educational units. With adaptable real estate, you can offer prefect value. And perfect value for users means optimal returns for you.

Faster High Exit payout

Exit payouts are higher with our more valuable optimal-return-property. They are also quicker through fast adaptation to the customers sense of value and shorter building times. This means you get a higher and faster return on investment when using an exit strategy. 

Control the risks

You are no longer powerless against environmental risks.

  • Do users change perferences? Adjust the property.
  • Is the current spacial arrangement no longer desirable? Make use the versatile wall systems.
  • Is the neighborhood getting too noisy? Refit the acoustic skin.
  • Planning to make the office into living quarters? Convert the property.
  • Are users doing well and do they want more? Scale the structure.
  • Is the area experiencing an economic downterm? Move your property to another location.

Adaptable property can easily adapt to secure user value and your returns.

Effortless real estate investing

Our integral approach means we do everything from conceptualisation to managing. Our property management service relieves you of the difficult tasks of finding reliable tenants, preventing vacancy, doing maintenance and making sure users get their optimal value. 

We Guarantee Your Returns

ALRAUM does not just sell designs, buildings and property management. We excel at creating continuously optimal value. Our technology makes creating real estate value so easy that we guarantee rental income of properties we design, build and manage. Resulting in the removal of any remaining risks for you.

Let's talk about your plans and get you your premium returns

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. GMT

7 days a week